Monday, March 22, 2010

This whacky Universe...

Imagine the craziest, wackiest thing you can think of. Disregard any physics, judgments or doubt. For example; imagine yourself with Babe Ruth, Bill Gates and Shaq, eating a golden slice of pizza on the moon with Oprah. What if I told you that is actually happening right now in some other Universe. Well from a quantum physics stand point it is.

In the Universe there are unlimited universes layered on top of each other where-in exists every possible, possibility in every scenario there is, with every set of physical laws that can be imagined. Which is an unlimited number because all those circumstance have unlimited outcomes and all the unlimited outcomes have unlimited scenarios. It is only our consciousnesses that are moving and changing what we see giving us the illusion of time. Think about that?
And while you’re at it think about what could be going on right now? Don’t forget to put you into that equation.

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